From 12 February 2022,
Eurolls SpA participate to the
United Nations’ Global Compact, the world’s largest strategic citizenship initiative.
The Global Compact was firstly proposed by former secretary of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, in 1999 at the World Economic Forum of Davos.
Since its foundation the following year (2000), more than 18000 companies from 160 world countries have joined the Global Compact, thus giving creating a new worldwide network of cooperation.
The Global Compact is a voluntary membership initiative to the
Ten Principles concerning the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, that promotes the
value of sustainability in the long term through political actions, corporate practices, social and civil behaviors.
Eurolls is committed to share, support, and apply the Ten Principles to achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to obtain a better and more sustainable future for everyone.