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Eurolls China: plans for growth and expansion

20 November 2023
Eurolls China: plans for growth and expansion_1

The metalworking company from Attimis (Udine) has declared a plan to expand and strengthen the entire group worldwide. China and the United States, the world's top two powers, represent strategic and extremely competitive markets where Eurolls wants to grow by relying on innovation and product quality. Our rolls, in fact, are very useful, even and where the road, transport, and general infrastructures are developing, such as in the Middle Country, as it is called in the East. 'We are studying precisely in China the use of super-innovative materials, such as titanium, high carbon, and stainless steels with a high chromium content,' says Renato Railz, president of Eurolls, who met Francesco Onofrio, plant manager of the Chinese subsidiary in Shanghai, on a road show in the last few months of the year that took him to visit all the Group's foreign plants.
'I haven't been back to China since before the pandemic,' Railz explains, 'I found a completely new, advanced Shanghai. It is a country that Italy too, but the entire planet, will have to reckon with in the near future for global development. If only because of the number of people living here. It is with realities like this that we will have to, in an ever greater and deeper way, come to terms, for another change that we are heading towards. I could call it an even more driven globalisation, in which, we all get involved in the economic discussions, in our daily lives. As is already happening. It is, in fact, the race for economic and hegemonic power, ever more fierce, that has led to the wars that are raging in scourged territories, and about which the Chinese TV and media, speak much more, than our Italians. These will be difficult times, even for business, Italy must push on the accelerator for the development of infrastructures of all kinds: from the roads, through the digital ones, up to the capillary rendering of efficient services, even those supporting companies.